Should I See a Dentist for Botox?

Having choices is a wonderful thing. But if you’ve ever stood in the shampoo aisle feeling your eyes cross at the myriad choices... it helps you realize that it’s good to have a basis for the decisions you make. And when it comes to making really important decisions, like those regarding your health, information is key. Below is some information about why you should consider seeing a dentist for Botox therapy.

What Exactly is Botox anyway?

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons defines Botox as: The cosmetic form of botulinum toxin, sometimes referred to as "Botox" by patients, is a popular injectable that temporarily reduces or eliminates facial fine lines and wrinkles. 

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Botox injections are shots that use a toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time. These shots are often used to smooth wrinkles on the face. They're also used to treat neck spasms, sweating, overactive bladder, lazy eye and other conditions. Botox shots also may help prevent migraine.

The medicine in Botox injections is made from the same toxin that causes a type of food poisoning called botulism. But the forms of purified botulinum toxin used by licensed health care providers meet medical control standards. These standards were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. As a rule, the bacteria toxins used for medical purposes are not harmful if used correctly.”

Mayo further points out that: Botox is a prescription medicine and must be used only under the care of a licensed and skilled health care provider. 

Why Might I choose to do Botox?

As Mayo points out, these injections can be used to help treat conditions such as migraine headaches. It is also used by dental professionals, in particular, to help patients with the pain associated with temporomandibular joint issues, often referred to as TMJ. Many people choose Botox for cosmetic purposes such as to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face. People also may choose to try Botox as a preventive to help lessen chances of facial lines developing in the first place.

Why Would Teuscher Legacy Dental’s Dr Riley Teuscher be a good choice for Botox? 


Knowledge and Training:

After 4 years of pre-med biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, Dr. Riley studied 4 additional years in these sciences applied to dentistry. His education involved extensive study of the nerves, muscles and blood vessels of the face, head and neck. Few professions undergo this level of intense training on the anatomy of these specific areas, and very few professionals actually use this education on a daily basis the way a dentist does. Dr. Riley also chose additional advanced training to become certified by the American Academy of Facial Esthetics specifically on the benefits, risks, comfortable administration, and aesthetic outcomes related to Botox® injections.


As a dentist, Dr. Riley has vast experience in providing comfortable and accurate facial area injections. The depth and precision of an injection matters, the dosage matters, and the ability to consistently monitor your comfort and response matters, so it’s important that your caregiver is accomplished in these areas. And because people can be a bit anxious when it comes to injections, it’s essential that you choose a professional who has perfected the intricate technique of giving gentle and comfortable injections by doing this dozens of times every single day. You’d be hard-pressed to find any licensed healthcare professional who has more experience giving expert facial-area injections.

Appreciation for Aesthetics:

In addition to advanced training and experience evaluating facial aesthetics, Dr. Riley is skilled in helping patients assess their own unique facial qualities. By evaluating more than just a targeted spot but by also considering your entire facial structure, he can assist you in understanding how even minor changes can affect your overall appearance – as well as how these changes might affect your ability to smile, express, or even chew comfortably and effectively. When it comes to facial cosmetic injections, you want to choose an experienced professional with this sort of keen eye for detail, function, comfort, and beautiful aesthetics. 


So if you’re considering Botox, information is key. Be sure to understand the importance of having facial injections administered by a professional who has knowledge, training, experience, and skill, as well as an acute appreciation for the results you’re hoping to achieve.

Give our office a call at 630-762-0000 to reserve time with Dr. Riley. He’ll be happy to help!


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